Stop the Pinsanity! How Pinterest can turn into a life-destroying

Pinterest is probably the best and worst thing to ever happen to the wedding industry -- and a women's self esteem, for that matter.Do you spend your days dreaming about pinning? Are you experiencing difficulty stopping yourself from pinning when you should be working.In an interview with WUSA 9, Executive Director Vicki Cantrell explained how retailers are utilizing Pinterest as a fresh, new way.Comediva, the group behind Groupon: The Movie and G-Male and Siri: A Love Story has released a new web short this week call Pinsanity.First there was Linsanity, now there's Pinsanity! Yeah, you guessed it Pinterest overzealousness now has its own punny term.Mentre Facebook cola a picco in Borsa, anche se ieri le azioni hanno avuto un lieve rialzo, la moda Pinterest non sembra voler passare. Qual'è .

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